30 March 2020
Dear colleagues,
We would like to briefly inform you on some Delta ITP matter related to the corona developments. First of all I hope everybody is healthy and works from home, to the extend that that is possible. If you have any suggestion on what Delta ITP could do to facilitate working and collaborating from home, do let us know. We plan to experiment with setting up a Slack Delta ITP workspace and if you are interested in helping out, let us know.
Obviously we anticipate that many, if not all, of the Delta ITP supported activities (visitors, workshops, meetings, advanced topics) in the upcoming months will be cancelled. If you successfully applied for Delta ITP support, but your event had to be cancelled, we can let you know that the reserved budget can be used until the end of the calendar year. So you do not need to apply again. If you already know that your Delta ITP event has to be postponed until the next calendar year (2021), please get in touch to discuss how to best proceed.
The Delta ITP Retreat, originally scheduled for May 27, is cancelled.
The Delta Advanced Topics Course on Theoretical Physics continues online. Koenraad Schalm provides prerecorded lectures for the 2nd module, accompanied by a Q&A session via Zoom. Details about the 3rd module, starting on April 20, will follow in due time.
In the upcoming period we hope to regularly update you on relevant Delta ITP matters, specifically relating to the plans for a new Delta ITP Zwaartekracht proposal and the status of the Delta ITP retreat, which is going to be rescheduled.
Do get in touch if you have questions, but for now let us wish you and your family all the best in these uncertain times.
Jan Pieter van der Schaar, Delta ITP coordinator j.p.vanderschaar [at] uva.nl
Anne-Marieke Crommentuijn, Delta Admin a.m
Jacqueline de Vree, Outreach, press and communication j.m.a.devree [at] uva.nl