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Twice a year, Delta ITP provides a course on Advanced Topics in Theoretical Physics, aimed at PhD students and advanced master students.
Delta Advanced Topics Courses

Lectures are given by Delta ITP staff members, and sometimes by visiting professors. The courses, each consisting of three modules given by different lecturers, are embedded in the educational program of the Dutch Research School of Theoretical Physics DRSTP. 

The next course will be held in the Fall of 2023, starting on Sept 4.

Module 1: Wout Merbis (Amsterdam)

Non-equilibrium stochastic mechanics: emergence and renormalization 

Module 2: Silke Henkes (Leiden)

Active Matter

Module 3: Dirk Schuricht (Utrecht)


== Please register before the course begins, even if you do not take the course for credit. We cannot process your grade or send important notices if you do not register.

Delta Educational Board

Dr Lars Fritz 
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University 
email: l.fritz [AT]

Prof. Koenraad Schalm 
Instituut-Lorentz for Theoretical Physics, Leiden University 
email: kschalm [AT] 

Dr Wouter Waalewijn 
Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam, and Nikhef 
email: w.j.waalewijn [AT] 

Administrative matters 

Mariëlle Hilkens 
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University 
email: m.e.t.hilkens [AT]