No separate application procedure for the Delta ITP fellowships exists. Suitable candidates can only be nominated by Delta ITP faculty, who are expected to contact the prospective candidate and in case of potential interest ask for their application material (a cv, list of publications and short research description). Every December a maximum number of nine Delta ITP fellowship candidates will be evaluated and ranked by the Delta ITP executive board and institute representatives. As long as funding is available the highest ranked, positively assessed, fellowship candidate will then receive an offer.
The following fellows joined the Delta Institute:
Tanja Hinderer
Gravitational Wave Physics, Multimessenger Astronomy (Amsterdam, Grappa, September 2018) Website>>
“My research focuses on modeling the gravitational waves from merging black holes and neutron stars. Black holes consist solely of strongly curved spacetime according to General Relativity while neutron stars are the densest stable material objects known in the universe, with matter compressed by gravity to up to several times the nuclear density where all four fundamental forces are simultaneously important. Understanding such objects, their cosmological context, astrophysical environment, and the nonlinear, dynamical gravity driving their mergers have been longstanding scientific frontiers and are among the core themes in the Delta ITP’s mission.
Gravitational waves are now available as a new tool to elucidate these questions. Interpreting the signals and extracting the source physics relies on cross-correlating the data with theoretical models that must accurately describe all relevant physical effects. My research develops such models using various analytical methods, thus providing essential inputs for capitalizing on the enormous science potential with gravitational waves.”
Vincenzo Alba
Condensed Matter Theory (Amsterdam, October 2018)
“My research interests lie at the interface between statistical mechanics, condensed matter physics, quantum information, and mathematical physics. In my research I combine theoretical tools borrowed from these areas with state-of-the-art numerical methods. The goal is to study universal aspects of quantum many-body systems both at equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium. An important general aim of my research is to understand how statistical mechanics and thermodynamics emerge from the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of isolated quantum systems.
Entanglement is the cornerstone to this research because it is a witness of the quantum wavefunction complexity. Understanding its dynamics and its scaling properties is one of the main goals of my research. This has the potential to provide a general explanation for why simple descriptions, such as statistical mechanics, hydrodynamic approaches, and numerical methods can be so effective to describe many-body quantum states.”
Matteo Martinelli
Cosmology (Leiden, from Oct 2017)
Tarek Anous
String theory (Amsterdam, from Sept 2019)
Austen Joyce
Cosmology (Amsterdam, from Dec 2019)
David Harvey
Astrophysics (Leiden, from Jan 2019)
Francesco Benini, Quantum Fields and Strings (Amsterdam, Sept 2014 - Feb 2015)
Alessandra Silvestri, Theoretical Cosmology (Leiden, Aug 2014 - June 2015)
Jimmy Hutasoit, Condensed Matter Theory (Leiden, from Aug 2014 - 2016)
Nabil Iqbal, String Theory and Holography (Amsterdam, Sept 2015 - Dec 2016)
David Vegh (Utrecht, January 2016 - Oct 2017))
Dionysios Anninos, Black Holes, Cosmoloy, and Strings (Amsterdam, Aug 2017 - Nov 2018)